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homenews and insights providing energy infrastructure to bristol xl

Providing energy infrastructure to Bristol XL

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Distributed Energy

Meet our SSE Energy Solutions experts

Panattoni Park, Bristol

SSE Enterprise Utilities (becoming SSE Energy Solutions) are delighted to be working with Mountpark Logistics in the provision of energy infrastructure for the Bristol XL development in Avonmouth, Bristol.

Mountpark Bristol XL is a new 1.3m sq. ft. industrial/logistics development situated at the gateway to the South West. The site has the ability to provide a single unit of up to 1m sq. ft and is situated in a prime distribution location adjacent to the established Central Park area of Avonmouth, 10 miles to the North West of Bristol City Centre. It will benefit from new electricity infrastructure with a capacity of up to 8MVA.

We have developed a power solution to meet the demands of the development. The network and assets will be adopted by SSE Enterprise’s IDNO business Optimal Power Networks.

“Bristol XL is another significant project in the Industrial & Logistics sector, a core area for our business, and we are proud to be supporting Mountpark in bringing this prime development to life” explains Noel Powell, Senior Business Development Manager, “Whilst initially focused on providing the electricity network to the development, we see this as a foundation to introduce wider distributed energy solutions in line with our strategy of supporting net zero and long-term investment in energy infrastructure.”